

Jul 13, 2023

Fire Department to host open house

Residents of all ages are invited to the Edina Fire Department’s open house 4-6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24, at Fire Station No. 1, 6250 Tracy Ave., Edina.

Visitors will have the opportunity to meet with Sparky, view a live fire demonstration at 5 p.m., try the fire prevention scavenger hunt, enter a raffle for a ride in a firetruck, spray a fire hose and do a craft at the Edina Art Center station. Visitors will also be able to meet with Edina Police Department officers, SWAT medics, members of the Edina Parks & Recreation, MN Task Force 1, ECMO, National Fire Sprinkler Association, Red Cross, Gopher State One and the Office of Pipeline Safety.

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