

Aug 24, 2023

Plum: Gas imaging camera service to be offered

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Christina Digiulio, a certified thermographer working with the Pennsylvania chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility, will be bringing a gas imaging camera to Plum on Thursday to check homes for gas leaks.

"What it can do is if we see small leaks, leaks out of pipes or any of the natural gas infrastructure going into a household, the meters, any connections, I can check and see if there is any kind of methane coming out because I can visibly see it," said Digiulio.

The service is being offered for free, prioritizing those who live in Rustic Ridge, the site of a still unexplained home explosion.

"Having an area like this that just went through this traumatic experience, I think that knowledge is going to help people a long way," said Tammy Murphy, the PSR advocacy director.

Murphy warns that Digiulio will only be in Plum on Thursday, so she will not be able to check every home, but those interested can reach out to Murphy by emailing [email protected].

"I just felt going out to Plum right now would help the community feel safe in their homes first, and then, of course, I am going around to look at the abandoned wells as well," said Digiulio.

PLUM, Pa. —