

Jul 11, 2023

Cooler temperatures & rain limit fire activity on the Ridge, Doris Point and Tin Soldier complex fires

We have the latest on large wildfires burning in and around Montana.


Cooler temperatures and rain limited fire activity on the Ridge and Doris Point fires as well as on the Tin Soldier complex Tuesday evening.

Ridge Fire - 3,665 acres, 76% contained

Firefighters worked on suppression repair including the construction of water bars on contingency lines west of the Ridge Fire. Water bars divert water drainage and reduce the likelihood of erosion. Crews worked on additional repair work near drop points on the west and north sides of the fire.

Doris Point Fire - 1,606 acres, 83% contained

Fire personnel observed three areas of smoke on the west side of the Doris Point Fire yesterday. The smoke was in areas surrounded by previously burned fuels and were not expected to spread. Structure protection remains in the Lost Johnny Point area.

Tin Soldier Fire - 8,165 acres, 86% contained

Resources observed smoke in the northeast and southeast corners of the Bruce fire yesterday. Mechanical thinning and repair work is almost complete along the road north of Spotted Bear. One small section of thinning will need to be completed by hand. Firefighting equipment is being collected and inventoried for removal from the area. Structure protection remains in place at Spotted Bear Ranger Station and private properties in that area.


Weather kept crews from constructing the fuel break on Meadow Creek Road on Tuesday.

Using the rain and higher humidity, resources were able to mop up some areas of the Tin Soldier fires, but were also pushed out by the heavy rain.

On Wednesday, crews will maintain protection around structures and continue fuels reduction.

The total area of the fires is reported at 7,697 acres and 0% containment.


The Bruce Fire crossed Stony Creek and has burned across the face of Stony Hill and is now established in the head of the Tin Creek.

According to the Forest Service, the Bruce Fire is estimated to have grown 1,500 acres since Aug. 16.

Defensive firing operations were conducted to improve point protection between the Bruce Fire and the Stony Communications Site.

These firing operations reduced the available fuels between the active fire edge and communication site, reducing the speed of fire growth as it approaches the site.

Notable growth has been seen on the southeastern flanks of the Sullivan Fire and the Bruce Fire.


Fires burning in the Tin Soldier Complex have burned a total estimated 3,361 acres. Containment on the fires remains at 0%.

Hot and dry weather in the fire areas is expected to increase fire behavior across the complex.

The Bruce and Sullivan fires were active on Wednesday, with the most notable growth on the southeastern flanks of the fires.

An update from the Flathead Interagency Type 3 Team says the Sullivan Fire, formerly the Kah Mountain and Sullivan Fires, moved toward the head of the Soldier Creek Drainage.

The Bruce Fire crossed Stony Creek near the mouth of the creek and has burned across the face of Stony Hill and has also established in the head of Tin Creek to the north.

Thursday’s actions include ongoing structure protection efforts for the commercial guest ranches, Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound, Heinrude residential community, and other infrastructure in the area.

Crews will continue daily testing and pre-treatment with the sprinkler systems and water pumps for identified values at risk and conducting additional firing operations as necessary.


The Kah Mountain and Sullivan fires have merged, and will now be known as the Sullivan Fire.

As of Wednesday morning, the Tin Soldier Complex is estimated to be 2,880 acres large and is 0% contained.

Fire behavior is expected to increase across the complex in the coming days as hot and dry weather is projected.

Wednesday’s actions will include ongoing structure protection efforts for the commercial guest ranches, Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound, Heinrude residential community, and other infrastructure in the area.

Crews will continue fuels reduction, slash removal, structure prep, and daily testing of the sprinkler systems and water pumps for all values at risk.

Mechanical equipment finished the fuel break to the north, south and west side of FS Road #895 adjacent to the Heinrude community.

Structure protection for Spotted Bear Lookout is complete.


An infrared flight found the total acreage of the fires burning in the Tin Soldier Complex to have grown 62 acres over the last few days.

Acres burned as of the morning of Sunday, Aug. 13:

A warming and drying trend is expected to begin Monday, with Wednesday being likely to bring critical fire weather conditions.

Sunday’s actions will include ongoing structure protection efforts for the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch, Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound, and the Heinrude residential community.

Mechanical equipment finished the fuel break to the north and south of the Heinrude community and is continuing to establish a fuel break on the west side of FS Road #895.

A crew is working to complete wrapping the Spotted Bear Lookout Sunday.


As of Saturday morning, the fires burning in the Tin Soldier Complex are estimated at 2,632 acres in size and are 0% contained.

Acres burned:

Ongoing structure protection efforts are planned for the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch, Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound, and the Heinrude residential community Saturday.

The Flathead Interagency Type 3 Team says mechanical equipment will finish the fuel break to the south, continue establishing the fuel break to the north and start establishing a fuel break on the west side of the FS Road #895 in the area around the community.

Additionally, fire personnel have finished laying

in hose line and sprinklers around structures within the Heinrude community. A crew will resume work to wrap the Spotted Bear Lookout.


Structure protection efforts against fires burning in the Tin Soldier Complex will continue Friday.

Fire personnel have finished laying in hose line and sprinklers around structures within the Heinrude community, according to an update from the Flathead Interagency Type 3 Team.

A crew will resume work to wrap the Spotted Bear Lookout.

The following restrictions and closures are in place:


No containment has been made on the Tin Soldier Complex.

An update from the Flathead Interagency Type 3 Team says planned actions for Thursday include ongoing structure protection efforts for the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch, Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound, and the Heinrude residential community.

Mechanical equipment continues to establish a fuel break to the south and re-establish fuel breaks to the north end in the area around the community.

Additionally, fire personnel continue to lay hose line and sprinklers around structures within the Heinrude community.

A crew will resume work to wrap the Spotted Bear Lookout.


Work continues to manage the Bruce, Kah and Sullivan fires with point source protection to protect nearby structures.

Additional personnel from the Spotted Bear District are “on loan” and assisting with fire related operations, according to the Flathead Interagency Type 3 Team. Priority will be given for initial attack if any other fires on the Spotted Bear District are detected.

Fire personnel continue structure protection efforts for the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound.

Structure protection efforts for the Heinrude residential community began yesterday and will continue into today.

Mechanical equipment was utilized to start establishing a fuel break to the south and reestablishing fuel breaks the north ending the area around the community.

Additionally, fire personnel began laying hose line and sprinklers around structures within the Heinrude community.

Those efforts will continue into Wednesday.

A crew will be flown to Spotted Bear Lookout today to start wrapping the lookout.


The Tin Soldier Compex is sitting at 2,631 acres burned with 0% containment.

Right now, Hungry Horse Reservoir will be closed as well as all National Forest System lands in the area of FS Road #38 and FS Road #895.

Fire activity Monday was minimal between the 3 fires. An IR flight detected an increase of 51 acres of growth across all three fires with Kah Mountain and Sullivan being the most active.

Current Acres burned as of the morning of Tuesday, August 8:

The Bruce, Kah and Sullivan fires are being managed with point source protection to protect values at risk.

Values at risk include Stony Communications Site, hydro-electric plant, Heinrude residential community, commercial guest ranches and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound.

Todays plan of action is fire personnel are continuing structure protection efforts for the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound.

Fire personnel have developed a structure plan for the Heinrude residential community; the plan for today will focus on reducing fuels with mechanical equipment on the south end and reestablishing fuel breaks on the north end in the area around the community


An evacuation has been issued by the Flathead County Sheriff for Heinrude community.

And to provide for public and firefighter safety, the East Side South Fork Road #38 is closed to public travel and the West Side South Fork Road #895 is closed to public travel near the 15 mile just past the Lid Creek Campground.

The Tin Soldier fire is sitting at 2,580 acres and is currently 0% contained.

Current Acres burned as of the morning of Monday, August 7 th .

Fire activity Sunday was moderated between the 3 fires and an IR flight was done last night and found an increase of 212 acres with growth on all three fires.

Kah Mountain and Sullivan have been the most active out of the three.

While the lower temperatures and higher relative humidity's have lessened fire activity for the time being, potential for fire activity is still high.

The cooler weather we have been receiving is allowing firefighters to install additional structure protection around the values at place.

There is a potential for increased fire activity in the future as temperatures and winds increase.

The Bruce, Kah and Sullivan fires are being managed with point source protection to protect values at risk; values at risk include Stony Communications Site, hydro-electric plant, Heinrude residential community, commercial guest ranches and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound.

Fire personnel have conducted initial assessments and preparations for structure protection in the above identified areas.


Fire activity between the three fires part of the Tin Soldier Complex was low Saturday.

Updated acreage on the fire perimeters is expected to be updated later in the day on Sunday.

According to the Flathead National Forest, the Bruce, Kah and Sullivan fires are being managed with point source protection to protect values at risk.

Fire personnel are continuing structure protection efforts for the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound.

A safety zone has been established on the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound.

Crews will continue installing hose line and sprinkler systems around the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound.

Fire personnel are developing a structure plan for the Heinrude residential community.

The Heinrude community is still under evacuation.

The following restrictions and closures are in place:

Stage2 fire restrictions are in effect as of August 5th.


The three fires still burning in the Tin Soldier Complex include the Bruce Frie, the Kah Mtn Fire and Sullivan Fire.

There was no updated acreage provided as there was no infrared flight over the fires Friday night.

As of Saturday morning, the Heinrude community is still under evacuation by the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

Stage 2 fire restrictions went into effect Saturday, restricting campfires, smoking and more across parts of western Montana.

A road restriction is in place for the East and West Side South Fork Roads, and an area closure is in effect for the front country of the Spotted Bear district as well as the Gorge Creek drainage with the Bob Marshall Wilderness area, including Feather, Inspiration, Gorge, Canyon Trickle and Stadium Creeks.

According to the Flathead Interagency Type 3 Team, the following actions are planned for Saturday:

A masticator and heavy equipment task force are utilized to establish a fuel break around the Wilderness Lodgeand the hydro-electric facility.

A hoseline has been laid along the established fuel break and sprinklers have been set up around the Wilderness Lodge.Exposed wood on the hydro-electric facility was wrapped and sprinklers were installed along Addition Bridge.

Fire personnel have started structure protection efforts for the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compounds that will continue into today.

A safety zone is being established on the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compounds that should be completed today.

Crews will continue to work on improving previous fuel breaks and installing hose line and sprinkler systems around the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound.


Fires in the Tin Soldier complex have grown to a total of 2,368 acres.

As of Friday morning, the following is the current acres burned by each fire:

Fire growth Thursday was reportedly moderate between the three active fires. The call was made that the Con Kelly Fire is out as of Thursday morning.

The Stony Communications Site, hydro-electric plant, Heinrude residential community, commercial guest ranches and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound are still at risk from the other fires.

According to the Flathead Interagency Type 3 Team, the following are planned actions against the fires Friday:

A masticator and heavy equipment task force are utilized to establish a fuel break around the Wilderness Lodge and the hydro-electric facility.

A hoseline has been laid along the established fuel break and sprinklers have been set up around the Wilderness Lodge.

Exposed wood on the hydro-electric facility was wrapped yesterday and sprinklers were installed along Addition Bridge. Fire personnel have started initial structure protection efforts for the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compounds that will continue into today.

A safety zone is being established on the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound. Crews continue to work on improving previous fuel breaks around the Spotted Bear Ranch, Diamond R Ranch and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound.

Additional planned activities for today will include installing hose line and sprinkler systems at these facilities.


Due to the Tin Soldier Complex of fires, the West Side South Fork Road #895 will be closed to public travel at the 42 mile mark and the East Side South Fork Road #38 will be closed to public travel at the 37.5 mile mark.

Four fires burning around 2,061 acres make up the Tin Soldier Complex, which is burning on the Spotted Bear Ranger District of the Flathead National Forests.

As of Thursday morning, the following is the current acres burned by each fire:

The Bruce, Kah and Sullivan fires are being managed with point source protection to protect values at risk, which includes the Stony Communications Site, hydro-electric plant, Heinrude residential community, commercial guest ranches and the Spotted Bear Ranger Station compound.

The Heinrude Community has been issued an evacuation by the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

Stage 1 fire restrictions are in effect, with Stage 2 restrictions taking effect Aug. 5.

A road restriction is in effect for the East andWest Side South Fork Roads.

A closure is effective for the front country of the Spotted Bear district.

Temporary Flight Restrictions are in place for air space over the Tin Soldier Complex to provide a safe environment for firefighting aircraft operating in the area.

People are being reminded that temporary flight restrictions also apply to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) or drones.

The following is a Facebook post by the Flathead National Forest:

There have now been 17 fires reported since the dry lightning storm between July 29 and July 30.

The Kah Mountain and Bruce fires on the Spotted Bear Ranger District are being combined with two smaller starts into the Tin Soldier Complex. A Type 3 Incident Management Team will take command of the Tin Soldier Complex, cumulatively estimated at 80-100 acres.

Spotted Bear Ranger District has seven reported fires at this time. Alcove and Stadium Creek Fires are in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex. The 0.5-acre Elam Fire is along the West Side Road on the Hungry Horse Reservoir and firefighters have constructed containment lines around the perimeter.

The Hungry Horse-Glacier View Ranger District has nine reported fires, one of which is in controlled and two are now contained, including the 0.10-acre fire near Lion Lake reported this morning July 31.

- The Logan Fire is contained and is approximately 0.10 acre, located in timber with an active timber sale to the south. Aerial resources delivered buckets of water this morning, slowing the fire spread in support of the firefighters who successfully constructed containment line around the fire.

- The Doris Point Fire is estimated at 0.5 acre and is burning on 80-90% slope in thick timber and vegetation with prevalent large-diameter dead trees. Fire personnel were able to approach the fire on Sunday but the risk to firefighter safety is very high due to the fire’s location. Fire personnel are working to evaluate opportunities and suppression plans that prioritize safety and probability of success.

- The Ridge Fire is estimated at 20-30 acres, actively backing down towards Embry drainage in mature timber with high quantities of both dead and down trees and standing dead snags. This is a full suppression fire and fire personnel are assessing control features, utilizing old logging roads. Heavy equipment has been ordered to support firefighting efforts.

- The Abbot Fire is a single tree snag burning less than half a mile from the Ridge Fire and has been incorporated into the Ridge Fire response strategy.

- The Emery Fire is estimated at 0.10 south of the ridge fire and is successfully controlled.

Stage 1 Fire Restrictions are in place and there are currently no fire-related area or road closures on the Flathead National Forest.

Enter for your chance to win. Six (6) winners will be picked at random on Wednesday, August 30th. Two winners will each win a pair of tickets (2 tickets to each winner) to the Saturday Rodeo. Two winners will each win a pair of tickets (2 tickets to each winner) to the Sunday afternoon Rodeo…

KALISPELL, Mont. - Flathead County Commissioners voted in favor of declaring an emergency in the county effective Aug. 1 due to fire danger.

Currently in Kalispell

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The following is a Facebook post by the Flathead National Forest:Success!Error!